A Scorching Nostalgia...!!!
The Heat is On! Yes people, i am refering to the scorching summer this year. "Last summer was not this hot", Ofcourse, thats what we say every summer, but this year its not a cliche. The silicon valley of india, which is supposed to be having "very pleasant" climate, is blazing hot. And worse, there is hardly any breeze during the nights. And i just envy these Bangalorean gals, just cant afford to dress like them!!! Yes, the heat is aggravated!!!
This kind of summers always stir up a nostalgia in me. They remind me of my school days and summer holidays. And my native village and the house i spent my vacations in. Ah! Those days. Yes, I dont mind sounding cliched.
I always enjoyed my summer vacations. Specially those early mornings. I always woke up early during vacations. I admit "Don't have to study" was a definite motivation. Pretending sleep was the easiest trick i used to employ to avoid scolds for not studying. My rule was, the more time you are awake, more scolds you take for not sudying. Summer presented no such difficulties. I could happily wake up and enjoy those mornings.
And one should experience this beauty. The soothing breeze, cloudless sky, sacred chants from the temple's loud speaker, the serene ambience and the early morning village activities. I always sat on the rear-side compound wall, throwing pebbles in to the pond and observing people scurrying in the street on the other side of the tank. It was very amusing. A motley and variegated crowd. There was this milkwala who used the lid of his milk can as a calling bell. And those farmers going to fields on "Raleigh" and "Humber" cycles and litting their "chuttas"(tobacco rolls) with the rope thats lit and hanging to the panchayath board office roof. It was a definite visual treat watching the "lungi" clad villager riding the bicycle, balancing the handle with one hand and a big load of grass on head with the other.
And summer was also about mangoes. Yummy and unlimited!!! I could easily eat 4 mangoes with my lunch. Alas! i dont get that variety anymore. That mango tree in our backyard has fallen during a cyclone few years back.
And in the afternoon, when every one is enjoying a nap, Clad in a "full-hands" shirt tucked in my pant, i used to roam around in that scorching heat, most of the time playing with the bow and arrows i made for myself! And not to forget those cricket matches in the evenings. I always opened the batting for our team and bowled what i called "off spin".
Ah! i rambled quite a bit boring you with my nostalgia. Lemme take the shirt off and try the floor. May be i can catch up some sleep. God!This bed is giving me burns!!!

The Great Indian Bicycle Trick
Courtesy: Padmini
Nice post, really took me back to good old days..miss school too.. i wish i had known that once i grew up there wouldnt be vacations any more just short leave :))
Btw.. not all gals in Blore are that lucky,,, we still have to be draped in 6 yards sometimes :)
It was really good. It reminds me of my school days and the summer holidays, mangoes.........
And yes bangalore is extremely hot these days. Very difficult to get out of the house.
Hmm, my childhood summers were filled with chennai heat, dehydrating me till I looked like a sundried pomfret! Not to mention my mother's pious desires to embark on pilgrimages to the temples on blazing mornings. Of course the mangoes were delectable and so were my grandma's vadu-mangai pickles.
hi sriram,
mahn.. for a while i thouhgt i was 10. though my summer setting some 15 yrs ago are slightly different, i can relate many things that you said.. btw, we met in orkut :)
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the cow is camera friendly
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